How Will You Spend Your Future
How To...
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  1. Click on the "Register for myCalSTRS" image on the Login page to begin the registration process.
  2. myCalSTRS Registration

  3. Click on the "I Agree" button after reading the Security Agreement. You must select "I Agree" in order to continue the registration process.
  4. Fill out your Social Security Number and Date of Birth, then click on the "Next" button.
  5. Enter a Username.
  6. Enter a Password and retype the Password in the boxes provided, then click on the "Next" button.
  7. Select a Hint question. Type in your answer to the selected hint, then click on the "Next" button.
  8. Verify all the information you entered is correct, then click on the "Save" button.
You will be sent to the myCalSTRS home page.

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Login / Logout
Be sure that you have already registered. If you have not registered, please follow the Registration instructions.


  1. Go to the Login Page
  2. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes provided on the login screen, then click on the "Login" button.
  3. Login to myCalSTRS


You can logout of myCalSTRS from any page by clicking on the "Logout" link in the top navigation menu.

           Logout of myCalSTRS

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Get Level 2 Access
The option to request Level 2 Access is offered each time a registered member logs into myCalSTRS. This enhanced access allows the user to change specific personal information like U.S. Postal mailing address or telephone numbers. Getting Level 2 Access is a two stage process.

Stage 1: Request Level 2 Access

  1. Click on the "Get Level 2 Access" button on the myCalSTRS home page to display the Get Level 2 Access instruction page.
  2. Read the instructions and restrictions on the Level 2 Access request page.
  3. Get Level 2 Access

  4. Verify the address displayed as the "Current Mailing Address" is your current mailing address.

    Note:  Level 2 Access cannot be requested if the "Current Mailing Address"
    listed is not a valid mailing address.
  5. Current Mailing Address

  6. Click the "Submit Request" button only if the current mailing address is correct.
    You will receive a letter with your Personal Identification Number (PIN) in approximately seven business days.
A confirmation page displays which informs you that your request for Level 2 Access is submitted. The next time you login the "Initiate Level 2 Access" input box displays.

Stage 2: Initiate Level 2 Access
After you receive your PIN letter, you can initiate your Level 2 Access.

  1. Login to myCalSTRS
  2. Enter your PIN into the input box in the top right corner of the myCalSTRS home page.

    Initiate Level 2 Access

  3. Click on the arrow button to submit the PIN for initiation.
A confirmation page displays which informs you that your Level 2 Access is initiated.

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Use Online Messaging
You do not have to login to myCalSTRS in order to send a secure message to CalSTRS. However, if you want to send an email and receive a secure reply online, you must use Online Messaging. If you are not registered, please follow the Registration instructions.

Login to myCalSTRS to access the Online Messaging feature. Follow the steps to send or read an online message.

Send Message

  1. Click on the "Online Messaging" image on the myCalSTRS home page. The Online Messaging Mailbox displays.

    Online Messaging home page

  2. Click on the Create Message button to display the Online Messaging Inquiry form. Complete the form and click on the "Submit" button.

    Online Messaging - Secure Inquiry form

    A confirmation page will display that provides you with a confirmation number. Write down the number for future use, if needed. You can expect a response within two business days.

Read Response

Your Mailbox displays inquiries and each inquiry’s response status.

  1. Click on the "Yes" link in the "Response Available" column of the Mailbox to display the response.

    Online Messaging Mailbox

  2. Click on the "No" link in the Response Available column of the Mailbox to read the status of an inquiry that has not received a response.

You cannot reply to a response. You can, however, send another inquiry by clicking on the "Create Message" button.

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Update Preferences
Benefit payment recipients can choose to receive an email notification when a new benefit payment stub is available on myCalSTRS and whether or not to receive the stub in the mail. You can also choose whether or not to receive eNewsletters.

Email Notifications and eNewsletters
Steps to change email notification or newsletter receipt preferences:

  1. Login to myCalSTRS.
  2. Select the "Preferences" link in the "Settings" menu.
  3. Email Notification

    The email address input box is populated with email data from START.

  4. Verify that the email address is current. An email address can be updated or added if one is not displayed.
  5. Click in the check box to either add or remove the check mark.
    Check mark:  Send item.
    No check mark:  Do not send item.
  6. Click on the "Update" button at the bottom of the page.
  7. Note Note:  An email address must be entered into the email input box.

START is updated if a new or updated email address is submitted. The member is sent an email confirmation.

Benefit Payment Stubs
If benefit payments are directly deposited into your bank account via an electronic funds transfer, you can choose whether or not to receive the benefit payment stubs via U.S. mail. You must have Level 2 Access to update this preference.

  1. Login to myCalSTRS.
  2. Select the "Preferences" link in the "Settings" menu.
  3. Benefit Payment Stub

  4. Click the check box to either add or remove the check mark.
    Check mark:  Mail benefit payment stub.
    No check mark:  Do not mail benefit payment stub.
  5. Click on the "Update" button at the bottom of the page.
  6. Note Note:  If you do not have an electronic funds transfer and Level 2 Access, the checkbox functionality is disabled.

Your CalSTRS record is updated and you will receive an email confirmation if the mail benefit payment stub preference is changed.

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Opt Out
As a member of CalSTRS, you have the option to prevent your account information from being accessed online. When you choose to opt out, you will not have the ability to login to myCalSTRS. However, the opt-out function requires initial registration; therefore, you must be a registered user before you can choose to opt out. To reinstate myCalSTRS access, you must contact CalSTRS.

  1. Register to use myCalSTRS by following the Registration steps.
  2. Login to myCalSTRS.
  3. Click on the "Opt Out" link in the Settings drop-down menu.

    Opt Out of myCalSTRS

  4. Type "Yes" into the input box.
  5. Click on the "Submit" button.
The system will immediately terminate your access and the login page will display with a thank you message. You no longer have access to myCalSTRS. To reinstate myCalSTRS access, you must contact CalSTRS.

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Establish New Password
If you have forgotten your password, you will need to create a new password. Please follow the steps below to create a new password.

  1. Go to the Login page.
  2. Click on the "Click here" link after "Forgotten your Password?"
  3. Forgotten Password

  4. Type your Social Security Number and Date of Birth into the boxes provided, then click on the "Next" button.
  5. Enter the answer to the Hint question you selected when you registered with myCalSTRS, then click on the "Next" button.
  6. Enter a new password in the Password and Confirm Password boxes, then click on the "Next" button.
You will now be returned to the Login page.

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Retrieve Forgotten Username
If you have forgotten your username, please follow the steps below.
  1. Go to the Login page.
  2. Click on the "Click here" link after "Forgotten your Username?"
  3. Forgotten Username

  4. Type your Social Security Number and Date of Birth into the boxes provided, then click on the "Next" button.
  5. Enter the answer to the Hint question you selected when you registered with myCalSTRS, then click on the "Next" button.
  6. Your Username will be displayed. Write it down for future reference, then click on the "Return to Login" button.
You will now be returned to the Login page.

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View Form 1099-R Documents
You must login in order to view your Form 1099-R or Acknowledgement Letters. If you have not registered, please follow the Registration instructions.
  1. Login to myCalSTRS.
  2. Click on the "Form 1099-R Documents" image on the myCalSTRS home page.

  3. Form 1099-R Page

  4. Select the year for the document from the pull-down menu that you wish to view.
  5. Select the document you wish to view from the list.

  6. Form 1099-R Documents Links

Most members have access to Form 1099-Rs beginning with year 2000 and Acknowledgement Letters beginning with year 2004. Cash Balance Participants have access to Form 1099-Rs beginning with year 2003. If you need a document for any year prior to those stated, please Contact CalSTRS.

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View Retirement Progress Reports
You must login in order to view your Retirement Progress Report documents. If you have not registered, please follow the Registration instructions.
  1. Login to myCalSTRS.
  2. Click on the "Retirement Progress Reports" image on the myCalSTRS home page.

  3. Retirement Progress Report Page

  4. Select the Retirement Progress Report or Estimate Letter you wish to view from the appropriate list. The selected document will open in Acrobat Reader® in a separate window.

  5. Retirement Progress Report Links

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Change Address and Telephone Numbers
You must have Level 2 Access in order to change U.S. Postal Service address or telephone numbers. If you do not have this enhanced level of access, please see Get Level 2 Access instructions above.
  1. Click on the "Personal" tab on the Account Profiles page to display your personal information on record with CalSTRS.

    Personal Profile Information

  2. Note:  Not all types of addresses can be viewed and/or changed.
    1. Type of address that can be viewed, but not changed:
      1. international address

    2. Type of address that can be viewed and updated to a U.S.Postal address:
      1. free form address

    3. Types of addresses that cannot be viewed or changed:
      1. electronic funds transfer
      2. in care of
  3. Click the "edit" link to the right of the item you wish to update and the item will open to display input boxes. If the item is currently blank, an "add" link is offered.
  4. Type in changes or new information in the input boxes.
  5. Note:  The "Cancel Edit" link has two functions:
    1. Cancels anything typed into the input box. The "Cancel Edit" link must be clicked before the "Save" button.
    2. Closes up the input box display if you decide to not input a change.
  6. Click the "Save" button to submit the change or addition.

A confirmation page displays to confirm that your updates were submitted.

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